Sector menu
A gnome shell extension which provides quick access to a configurable set of applications and shortcuts. The extension also provides quick access to a command line and developer tool shortcuts.
The default accelerator to show the extension is <super>-z
Currently, the extension only shows a list of favorite apps in the sectors around the mouse pointer. If these are changed, or re-ordered, by a third party (dash-to-dock, workspace-to-dock, or many other various ways), the changes will be reflected here. The extension simply gets a list of favorites from gnome-shell, and displays what is there.
The text entry box is not like the dash text entry. This entry box will try to run the entered text as if it were typed on the command line.
This extension is currently in its very early stages.
On Quick Mode
Ideas coming up
- command history
- pretty stuff
- monitoring and other info in background
- quick access to overview mode
- multiple sectors
- app menus inside sectors
- custom list of apps (also perhaps on a per-sector basis )
Dev notes
Link or include here.
Links to know
- Pages from /docs
- Code